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Let It Be

I'm such an Aries.

At the first sign of trouble, I practically rear up on my hind legs, lower my horns, and then charge into it full speed and try to fix everything. And I realize its because I care so damn much. The other day, the foot plate on my friend's wheelchair fell off. Before I knew it, I was in fix it mode, horns down and rushing to Macguyver a solution.

I hate knowing someone is hurting and that there's maybe something I can do to change it. I want to save the world if just a little. I feel like I won't feel comfortable potentially bringing a child into this world if didn't try to make it better if just by the tiniest margin. But I have to remember that some things aren't meant to be fixed. And I have to accept that I can't fix everything. I can't fix everything. I shouldn't try to.

Sometimes situations just need to be. Sometimes problems and emotions just need to run their course. And its enough to just be there, say I love you, and maybe hold a hand. Sometimes okay is the best answer in the world.

And sometimes there aren't words. For a poet, that's a hard thing to push down past the larynx.

Sometimes I need to quell my heart when it wants to take everyone's pain away and remind it that sometimes you need to just let it be.

My friend's outside to pick me up. Busy Saturday.

Until next time...



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