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I don't like the idea of "chasing dreams". If they are truly your dreams, then there is no need to chase. You don't chase what you have. Chasing dreams is like a dog chasing its tail. The task is to stand perfectly still. To have the strength to hold on and trust that it will come and bath you like the rising sun. To borrow a quote, "Assuming that this planet rotates, I'll just procrastinate until the day I bump into my soulmate..." Though I'm not talking about soul-mates here. Far from it.

I think about it and I want to describe dreams in metaphor. I want to say dreams are like being stuck in a glass tank surrounded by ocean and filling up with water. The water is rising up your body and your heart is telling you to just relax and go with it. But as the water gets higher and higher, you panic and look for a way out, using all of your strength to push at the door. It doesn't budge. Your heart keeps telling you to be calm, keep breathing, and accept it. But the water reaches your face so you struggle and hold your breath till your lungs burn. You pass out when if you had just opened your mouth, you would have discovered that you had gills in your lungs. The pressure equalizes in the tank allowing you push the door open and swim out in the sea.

But that's not a good enough metaphor.

So, maybe dreams are like zippers you discover on your body that you've never seen before or forgot about. And you're terrified to unzip them and see what's underneath. And you pull the zipper and inside there is color and textures that you've never known. So, you run to show your friends and family your colors. But no one else can see it but you.
So you have to describe it to them and hope they'll understand. Maybe they don't get it and say things that seem to hurt more than when they've said it before. So, you get discouraged and return those zippers to where you found them. Some people stay bundled up for months at at a time, some for years. Some people never pull at those zippers again.
Because unzipping that skin is taking off armor. And that exposure turns even the air into acid. All those colors and textures beneath those zippers is like pure love and love feels amazing but when opened to the world, it can allow you to be hurt more than before. That's the trade off.
So you have to maintain the bravery it takes to keep unzipping because when you pull at those zippers, people can feel it. When you peel it away, people can hear it in your voice, see it your eyes, sense it in your touch. It maybe even leaves a scent because when you peel away that layer, it leads other open individuals to you and vice versa.
And every time you open your skin, the textures have changed and the colors are new. It also hurts a little more each time. And sometimes you get caught exposed and get hurt, either by "accident" or by someone's intention. But you keep peeling away because you know there's no going back. You've seen too much of yourself to ever return to living every moment cooped up in your own skin.

Hm, that's an ok metaphor. Something better will probably come to me someday... :)

Konstant <|3

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