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Live Painting

So next week I'm going to be doing live painting for the first time this week. I'm just going to jump right into it and see what happens. I'm a bit apprehensive and yet hopeful. To be honest, I really don't know how to approach it. Live painting seems so fluid and sporadic. I tend to be very controlled and precise. Anything that can get messy (charcoal, watercolor, etc.) I tend to make messy and not in a good way.
Ash and I went to Home Depot and I bought some cheap plywood to paint on. It comes in 4' X 8' standard. I decided before hand that I would cut it down to two 4' by 3' pieces to be painted upon. (I figured I'd want whatever I'm painting on to be pretty big so people in the audience can see what I'm creating.) It's actually cheap and easy to get this kind of thing done. The cheapest wood is about 12 dollars and they cut it twice (if you require) for free and than fifty cents for each additional cut.

So, I got my 4'x3' pieces and the excess 2' x 4' piece and loaded them. I actually used the excess piece to build a jig for a wine barrel stool I'm design at the shop so it worked out really well.
I bought the plywood two days ago and just got around to painting them. It was at this time that noticed that 4' x 3' is a lot of surface area lol. And I'm not exactly used to painting large yet, let alone live. My eyes were bigger than my proverbial artistic stomach So...I'm going to take the pieces to the shop and chop 'em. 2' x 3' pieces should work out fine, just fine. Plus, it's much easier to fit into my little compact car.

I think I will practice "live" painting the day before so I'm at least a bit prepared. If all bodes well, I'll create something cool in the background while people perform, my poems will go smoothly, and people will buy my art so I can fill my gas tank :).


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