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Showing posts from August, 2011
...because the souls that hide behind smiles can be just as shattered as those that lay behind a frown or quivering lip...
A car bumper is surprisingly lighter than I expected. Hm.
Its interesting...who's next?

And it will a four letter word.

I want us to be miserable. I mean real fucking miserable. I want people to wonder why we even get up in the morning. To wonder how we even eek out an existence together. I want us to do the most back breaking things to keep a roof over our heads. I hope we have to shake fire and brimstone from our shoulder blades each night. Our fingertips, I want the stench of cigarettes to be seared into them and alcohol sewn into our breath. I hope we sleep in a bed of ashtrays, unpaid bills, and notebook paper, cover ourselves in half painted canvases, lay our heads on piles of the things we never say, and dream in colors our minds are too terrified to comprehend. I hope we over sleep every night. I want our nerves to be raw at every moment. I hope our every days are exhausting. I hope our days are shitty. I hope our days are scary. I hope our days become as monstrous as they'll say we are. I hope they can't stand to be around us. I want people to hate how we dress. I want them...
"We started off fighting and we're going to end off fighting but how we fight IS the fight. That's the way it goes. If I'm going to die for something, I'm going to die for something that's worth it."
The first time i get to work with a munny n i get three for free! The one with glasses is a commish and other two for my own lil art hands to do whatever i please :) try..

...then you're reminded that you're still that lone asshole kid on the playground, that no one plays with, because you can never seem to say the right things. So when you're not being teased or fighting, your recesses (if you're allowed) are resolved to running full speed next to the girls that despise you to snatch drive-by cheek kisses or sitting by the sandbox, waiting in silence for the blue stripped sand-bees to go into their holes so you can cover them with sand...