I don't like the idea of "chasing dreams". If they are truly your dreams, then there is no need to chase. You don't chase what you have. Chasing dreams is like a dog chasing its tail. The task is to stand perfectly still. To have the strength to hold on and trust that it will come and bath you like the rising sun. To borrow a quote, "Assuming that this planet rotates, I'll just procrastinate until the day I bump into my soulmate..." Though I'm not talking about soul-mates here. Far from it. I think about it and I want to describe dreams in metaphor. I want to say dreams are like being stuck in a glass tank surrounded by ocean and filling up with water. The water is rising up your body and your heart is telling you to just relax and go with it. But as the water gets higher and higher, you panic and look for a way out, using all of your strength to push at the door. It doesn't budge. Your heart keeps telling you to be calm, keep breathing, and ac...