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Showing posts from June, 2011

Willing to...

Honestly, I'm kind of speechless. Not that I don't have anything to say. It's just that I've been too busy smiling or laughing. Seriously, I've probably laughed more in the last week because of her than I have in months. She's "my good feeling". She is all things I never knew I wanted in another. And the things I knew I wanted as well :). She's like a dream for this James Dean wannabe... I once had a dream long ago. In this dream, I'm in a crowded ballroom. I'm surrounded by group of people who enthralled with my every word and gesture. I'm entertaining them with banter, and all of a sudden, I catch something from the corner of my eye. I turn my head slowly to my left and she's there. On the opposite side of this gigantic ballroom, she's there looking right back. She's surrounded just as I by people transfixed by her beauty and vying for her attention. But we stare into each other eyes and there is nothing between us....
I'm writing a poem about you. Hopefully, it will be even an eighth of your beauty, a fourth of your depth, and just a sixth of how well you write...
You've taught me how truly amazing things can happen in only 7 days. I think God is jealous.
The janitor from scrubs was just checking out my art. :) oh LA

Design - Heart of Glass

DESIGN - Heart of Glass PRICE - 15.00 Size S $15.00 M $15.00 L $15.00 XL $15.00 2XL $17.00 Colors Black White <|3
"I want to hang on to something that won't break away or fall apart like the pieces of my heart..." - Something Corporate